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Item La percepción como condicionante del comportamiento del consumidor frente a las ofertas de educación superior en el sector agropecuario(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-05-20) Posada Bernal, RodrigoIntroduction: Individuality is regarded in all of the marketing strategies, in order to achieve the objectives. The perception of this individuality is a key factor to characterize the consumption attitudes people have. Classifying this perception allows marketing specialists to have judgment elements to implement, with some accuracy, marketing actions. Electing an undergraduate program, specifically in the agropecuary sector, implies, of course, a perception, and it is necessary to identify how it is structured in order to influence it. Objective: To identify the most important factors that influence the perceptions individuals have about the higher education options in the agropecuary sector. Material and method: The article was based on the use of a structured survey, aiming to identify the reasons why the perception can be modified or strengthened among students. This survey was useful to get information about the social and economic characteristics of the sample population, and also about their attitudes and motivations. The survey was applied in 2009 to high school students from the Abrurrá Valley’s Metropolitan Area, classified under social and economic levels and under influence zones terms. Results: Among the most meaningful results the following ones can be remarked: The trend to study Veterinary Medicine, among all students, with a 35% acceptance grade; The perception they have of the social acknowledgement provided by the fact of studying in a prestigious institution; From a total number of 588 students who chose agropecuary studies, 50% considers this issue as relevant; Also the economic safety given by the graduate programs chosen and the possibility to get a job with a relative ease, define among the target group an argument from which they can make their choice concerning education. The perception of the institution’s academic quality and its academic standards were considered as very valuable elements; 68.9% of the people surveyed said that they wanted to study in an institution with very demanding academic standards and 55.6% highly appreciate academic demand as an element to guarantee the quality of the programs offered; Finally, the personal skills to study the undergraduate program chosen, with a 90,6% of acceptance, and the participation of the whole family in the decision made, with a 9.3%, appeared as elements that are becoming more important in the perception process. Conclusion: The role played by perception among high school students when they choose their undergraduate programs can not be denied. Therefore, higher education institutions must identify in which of the stages of the perception process they have to intervene in order to create effective marketing strategies and obtain favorable changes in the decisions of their potential students, according to their internal policies.Item Origen y la evolución de la comunicación organizacional en Antioquia, a partir del testimonio de algunos de sus protagonistas.(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-05-30) Arango Navarro, Fernando Aquiles; Pulgarín Restrepo, Luisa FernandaAbstract: Introduction. This research work about the history of organizational communications in Antioquia aims to get and keep the testimonies of people who have experienced, very closely, this process, and whose declarations are very valuable to understand how communications have evolved in Antioquian companies. Materials and methods. A history of organizational communications in Antioquia has been built by the use of in-depth interviews, made to six protagonist people in the history of communications in the region. The materials were chronologically organized in decades, because the testimonies were spontaneously expressed that way by the people interviewed. The interviews allowed a construction and an understanding of the evolution of organizational communications in Antioquia, differentiate some important milestones and define some findings and conclusions. Results. In Antioquia, organizational Communications were initially boosted by the industrialization that took place in the 60´s decade, which implied the integration of communication professionals who were getting graduated from universities in those times. In this region, organizational communications had, since their beginning, two currents: One focused on public relations, with a preference for external stakeholders, which was finally addressed towards advisory and consultancy processes in the organizations, and another that initially worked with external stakeholders, especially mass media, and later started to work with internal stakeholders. It evolved to a point in which it became a part of strategic positions in the organizations, and its practitioners became one of the decision makers in them. Organizational communications has also evolved in the way they are assessed, from very basic ways of evaluation to achieving impact indicators for communication strategies based on the stakeholders´ perception of the attributes and contents transmitted through the media available. Conclusion. Organizational communications have evolved from being a support activity, especially to send information to mass media, to a current situation in which communication in companies are seen as a critical factor for success, given the high competition levels in the markets and the necessity of strategic views this fact brings; The search for new markets, which requires a knowledge and a definition of new audiences; The changing behavior of consumers; The necessity of keeping employees motivated and trained and the new challenges brought by economy cycles, among many phenomena.Item La televisión local y regional como mecanismo para vincular jóvenes a procesos de ciudadanía cultural(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-05-30) Castaño Echeverri, Alejandra; Velásquez Hurtado, MauricioAbstrac: The use of television, a device that aims to promote the assimilation of some institutional contents among certain audiences, has been getting, beyond entertaining, educating and informing, new dimensions within our context. The segmentation of the television offer in our country has been focused in two variables for more than a decade: The private and the public ones. This means that there is a particular dichotomy in the use of their proposals, because public television has the responsibility of generating contents about social transformation processes departing from education, culture and the information about institutional programs or projects which aim to integrate audiences in participative activities, in order to increase their life quality. The following text has, as a premise, to introduce the main findings from the Local and regional television as a mechanism to integrate young people to cultural citizenship processes research work, developed from following up the television offer for young population in Medellín, the interaction with television viewers, the analysis of the dialog between the semiotics of its narrative structures and the response imaginary of its final audiences.Item La relaciones entre empresas y medios de comunicación ¿cómo se gestiona la información?(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-05-30) Sánchez Sánchez, Diego Alonso; Osorio Osorio, Jhon JaimeAbstract: Introduction. Relationships with the media have become a priority in public and private organizations nowadays. On one hand, this is due to the fact that organizations recognize the power the press has to build the image and project the corporative identity. On the other hand, due to the current necessity of responding the demands all stakeholders have concerning the knowledge they require about all of the organization’s activities and how they are done. From the latter perspective, this article is the final brief of a research project that aimed to analyze how the relationship between companies and mass media from Medellín is, and how the information between them is managed. Objective. To identify the strategies used by organizations and mass media to establish a productive relationship for both of them from an informative point of view. Materials and methods. A descriptive study was made, by the use of surveys and in-depth interviews to the professionals in charge of the strategies for the relationships with mass media. Results. Press releases and press conferences are the most used and preferred methods for permanent and rapid information by communications managers and journalists. Conclusion. For current organizations, the relationships with mass media are an integral part of the corporative strategy.Item El reconocimiento del niño como sujeto en la práctica educativa en preescolar(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-05-31) Ortíz Escobar, Claudia Patricia; Vergara Medina, Cruz ElenaIntroduction. Relationships between adults and children are crossed by multiple constraints, among which there are, mainly, historical, social, economic, political, psychological and scientific circumstances. This, then, implies a new thinking about the concepts “childhood”, “infantile” and “child” under which pre-school professionals operate, because that conception of “child”, that construction of children as a study object constructed by pre-school teachers, and the way they have articulated the scientific and technical knowledge of this profession, will allow them a vision to comprehend and provide the answers given under intervention and pedagogic terms, addressed to the phenomena that involve childhood such as learning, socialization and subjectification, and to the contemporary symptoms such as depression and hyperactivity, among others. Objective. To analyze in the pedagogic speech of the pre school students from Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, who make their practical internship in the 8th, 9th and 10th semesters, how children are conceived as a subject. Material and method. A qualitative research work with a descriptive hermeneutic focus is made. As a methodological strategy the document review technique is used, complemented with a focus group analysis including a semi-structured interview. In the document review, the history of childhood proposed by Lloyd DeMause is approached, plus Sigmund Freud’s theory for the construction of the subject, repression, unconscious, infantile sexuality, instinct and child. As a documentary source, the revision of the field notes of the Corporación Universitaria Lasallista 8th, 9th and 10th semester’s student’s observers is also used. Results. The concept “child” constructed by pre-school students from Corporación Universitaria Lasallista is closer to a developmental position, and pedagogic intervention is articulated to this vision. The recognition of children as a subject is incipient, though some attempts to read causalities different from that proposed by organic and developmental perspectives (in behavors, drawings, games, learning and interaction problems, among others) could be found. Conclusion. There is a poor conception of children as a subject, and a developmental vision is mainly used.Item Efecto de la densidad de siembra sobre la larvicultura de guabina (rhamdia sebae c.f.) en sistema de recirculación.(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-01) David Ruales, Carlos Arturo; Castañeda Álvarez, Germán David; Cruz Segura, Claudia Isabel; Lenis Sucerquia, Gustavo Adolfo; Castro Rojas, Juan David; Álvarez Vanegas, Miguel Augusto; Lidueña Arrieta, Neithan; Martínez Morales, Ever SegundoAbstract: Introduction. Larviculture phase is the most important stage in a fry production system. Most of native fish species have altricial larvae, which are known for their low development, and which require optimal conditions. Recirculation systems are a technological tool that is environmentally friendly and allows productivity and profitability increases in larviculture. Objective. To evaluate three containment densities and their effects on Rhamdia sebae larvae´s growth and survival in a re- circulation system. Materials and methods. “Guabina” (Rhamdia sebae) larvae with a posthatching period of 36 hours were used. They were seeded in three densities, 25, 50 and 75 larvae L-1 (T1, T2 y T3 respectively) in triplicate, in 80 litters containers, in a recirculation system. In the different treatments, the animals were fed for the first time and during a 17 days period with Artemia salina nauplii and concentrated food with a 35 % of brute protein. Results. At the end of the experiment, the results indicated significant differences (p<0.05) between the treatments concerning the weight gain and the survival. The best performance was that of T1 (21.72 ± 5.57 mg and 73.08 ± 14.51%, respectively), also including, for this treatment, the best specific growth rate (6,32%), followed by T2 (13 ± 5,14 mg and 44.33 ± 12.04%) and T3 (8.12 ± 3.38 mg and 38.92 ± 11.84%). Conclusion. The best seeding density in this kind of system was 25 L-1 larvae.Item Parentela y territorialidad: la familia negra en la apropiación y construcción del espacio(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-02) De la Torre Urán, Lucía MercedesAbstract: Introduction. Black families´ constitution in Colombia had a very important role in the traditional settlement model by family trees and in the ways of resistance as people. Objective. To analyze the logic of ownership of spaces used by African-Colombian communities in the Pacific region during their ethnic identity construction process or the construction of social space. Methodology. An ethnographic research work was developed in fourteen communities from the Colombian Pacific region, from 1990to 2002, with a thematic choice produced by an observation and participation process made in the community in a seven years period (1990-1997) which allowed the collection of the information consolidated between 1998 and 2002 in a field work done in the Chocó, Valle, Cauca and Nariño provinces. Results. The black family form is another way to resist and is also an organizational key, given the strength it gives to the social dynamics of the whole black community. Family is a unit that includes territory and culture. In the families and the communities there is a clear definition of roles which have accomplished a harmonic function in the constitution of social space, but, as these roles have change due to acculturation more than to enculturation processes, the incidence in the group dynamics can be seen. Those effects affect gender relationships, production practices, and reproduction thus affecting, also, family and organizational structures.Item Éticas contemporáneas: una interpretación del pluralismo ético en la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-02) Uribe Cano, Juan Manuel; Alvarado Sánchez, Jairo AugustoLa ética como pluralidad tiene sentido en tanto hunde sus raíces en el mundo de la vida. Lo práctico proviene de lo inmediato, del mundo cotidiano, allí encuentra su origen. Uno de los aspectos que exploramos en el presente artículo es mostrar cómo la comprensión es transversal al comportamiento teórico y reflexivo de los hombres; sin ella no es posible evidenciar la pluralidad de formas de vida, de elecciones y decisiones humanas, pues lo plural, como condición universal de la ética, es precisamente, el movimiento constante de ese mundo cotidiano.Item Obtención de la oleorresina de páprika por medio de tecnologias emergentes en Colombia: un ejemplo de la innovación de producto(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-02) Gil Garzón, Maritza Andrea; Restrepo Restrepo, Carlos Esteban; Millán Cardona, Leonidas de Jesús; Rojano, Benjamín AlbertoAbstract: Introduction. The current consumption trend is framed in developing and commercializing natural and pollutant free products. In the search for new technologies to obtain such products with added values, new national and international markets have been opened, achieving a higher competitiveness with, for instance, the use of a cleaner production technology like the extraction by the use of supercritical fluids, replacing highly contaminating traditional extraction methods that use toxic solvents, and micro encapsulation by spray-drying, which allows a lengthening of the product’s shelf life by protecting its main components, especially in food and pharmaceutical products. Besides, transportation, storage and the application in other matrixes gets easier. Objective. Two technologies were applied in this research work. They are just beginning to be applied in Colombia to obtain microencapsulated oleoresin from paprika. Methodology. The extraction by FSC-CO2 was made under 280 y 350 bar and 50°C y 70°C conditions. The response variables were: performance (%R), ASTA degrees, staining determination and theoretical relation of the isochromic fraction (R/Y) of red pigments (capsanthin and capsorubin) and yellow pigments (β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, capsolutein, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin). Visible ultra-violet spectroscopy UV-Vis was used for the quantification of β-carotene and the anti oxidative capability was evaluated by ABTS. In the micro encapsulation, the drying conditions were: Inlet temperature (180°C), outlet temperature (90°C), atomizing pressure (35 psi) and nozzle diameter (1mm). The relation oleoresin/encapsulant was: 1:10 using Gum Arabic or Capsule. Results. The best conditions found to extract supercritical fluids were 350 bar and 60°C. The results of the statistic design confirm that pressure affects the %R, ASTA and R/Y relation variables. Just the opposite happens with the temperature, p>0.05. Paprika oleoresin has a 1.09 ug/mL β-carotene concentration, and this is related to the anti oxidative capability found by ABTS, with a 4500 ± 2100 ųmol trolox/100 g oleoresin extract value. The electronic scanning microscopy allowed us to find that the best encapsulant was the Capsule (micro capsule’s diameter: 15 um), the percentage of encapsulated material 90% and the external oleoresin 12%. Conclusion. The use of the extraction by supercritical fluids and spray-drying microencapsulation are useful to have a product free of organic solvents and with a longer shelf life, quality characteristics that can be competitive in national and international markets because they have the color standards offered by those gotten with traditional extraction methodologies, which can be harmful due to the solvents they require.Item Uso de dos fotosensibilizadores para el tratamiento de aguas residuales coloreadas: un análisis desde el modelo factorial(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Garcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoAbstrac: Introduction. Sensitized photo degradation with TiO2 or FeCl3 is a technique that can be used as a depuration system or as a third process, especially for industrial waste treatments. Objective. To evaluate TiO2 and FeCl3 interaction with H2O2 from textile liquid waste by the use of artificial light w3ith an exponential model. Materials and methods. To make the tests, a 60 Hz MIGHTY PURE ultra violet light lamp was used, with a 41 cm x 25,5 cm x 20 cm glass bucket containing 15 L of the sample. This system was complemented with a pump that manages a 0,047 L/s flow. Results. A 100% degradation and a 70.1 mineralization were obtained w2ith the test in which a 60 mg/L FeCl3 and 1.0 mL/L of H2O2 dose was used. Conclusion. Dyed water’s degradation and mineralization is faster with the use of FeCl3 than with the use of H2 O2.Item Larvicultura de peces comerciales en sistemas de recirculación(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) David Ruales, Carlos Arturo; Castañeda Álvarez, Germán DavidAbstract: Success in fish farming, and in general for aquaculture production, depends essentially on the farmer’s comprehension of the production systems used and the development stages of each species. It can be said that the larviculture stage is the most important one in a fry production system and, evidently, every advance that can be made in order to understand it is developed simultaneously with technologies that become more and more sophisticated, and must be well understood before starting the farming activities. The evolutionof productive systems in aquaculture tends to make production more intensive and be, at the same time, environmentally friendly. Recirculation systems in aquaculture provide a constant culture medium that can be monitored, with few variations. The systems are established to control the different parameters of water quality, such as temperature, oxygen, nitrogen and pathogens. They contribute to a more intensive, reliable, clean and more profitable production. This revision aims to look at the most important characteristics that affect larviculture in fish and to see how recirculation systems offer an excellent alternative in fry production.Item Determinación de las propiedades conservantes de la pulpa de algarrobo (hymenaea courbaril linneaus) para la industria de alimentos(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Alzate Tamayo, Luz María; Arteaga González, Diana María; Jaramillo Garcés, YamileAbstract: Introduction. Hymenaea courbaril Linneaus is well known because of its anti-bacterial, antifungal and nutritional properties, give its chemical and dietetic characteristics, being an interesting resource for the study of its fruit as a natural source of preservative properties for food industries. Objective. To evaluate the antimicrobial capability of the carob tree’s fruit on a microorganism taken as an indicator of food quality (Escherichia coli, ATCC 25922). Materials and methods. Concentrations were defined in the alcoholic and the aqueous extract of the pulp, the peel and the seeds, in order to inhibit the microorganism’s growth. By the use of the well diffusion technique, with some modifications, the E. coli strain was subjected to the different extracts. Results. In the preliminary tests, the best results were obtained with the seed in the alcoholic extract. Therefore, the pulp, the peel and the aqueous extract of the seed were disregarded, due to their small or null inhibitory action. The anti bacterial spectrum was determined by the use of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration at 20% for the alcoholic extract of the seed. This was achieved with the tests in which the extract was used in intervals of a week. Conclusions. According to the results, it is possible to say that the part of the carob tree’s fruit that has the highest antimicrobial activity is the seed, with diameters between 15 and 25 mm, compared to those of the peel and the pulp, which did not have significant inhibition values (under 15 and zero, respectively), Therefore, it is concluded that there are substances with a high inhibitory potential.Item Retos analíticos y perspectivas instrumentales del monitoreo de pesticidas(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Jiménez Cartagena, Claudio; León Pérez, Daniel Esteban; Peñuela Mesa, Gustavo AntonioAbstract: The complexity of environmental and food matrixes, plus the low levels of xenobiotic agents, their thermodynamics, their persistence and their metabolism are interesting, given the analytic results obtained by conventional methodologies. The objective will never be to eliminate them, but to have similar methodologies in order to guarantee that the data reported show the actual dynamic of each analyte in the interest matrix. Qualitative and quantitative analysis have permitted the development of robust and repeatable instrumental techniques. Nevertheless, instrumental provision is not enough. Strengthening the sampling techniques for treating the samples and interpreting results is a fundamental point for validating the monitoring and organic micro pollutants screening methods. The concept of residuality is clear for academic and scientific communities, and even for the one who generates such pollutants. But determining and counting those pollutants will always be a great academic challenge, an indispensable legal support and a social responsibility for the productive sector with public health and the planet’s sustainability. The biggest responsibility for universities, technological development centers and the private sector is to have rapid and accurate analytical technologies to not only monitor pollutants, but compounds of interest. The development in sample treatment systems, along with the development of chromatography and its complementation with mass spectrometry, are a fundamental basis for choice making about determining compounds or transformation products in differrent matrix levels, including parts per trillion (ppt). Analytical monitoring is becoming more and more important, is more regulated and demands a complementation with on site follow up techniques in real time, such as bio sensors, which are a very precise and exact tool for the monitoring systems. Given all of the facts exposed above, this review aims to show some advances in sampling and instrumental complementary elements to optimize the identification and quantification processes for pollutants in environmental and food matrixesItem Evaluación de la adherencia de bacterias ácido-lácticas al epitelio intestinal de pollos alimentados con probióticos(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Gutiérrez Ramírez, Luz Adriana; Ramírez Arias, Luz AdrianaAbastract: Introduction. The consumption of probiotics have a positive influence in the host organism’s health and increases its productivity, sensitiveness to pathogens and alimentary conversion, among other benefits. Objective. To identify, by the use of microbiological and molecular techniques, the adhesion of native bacteria with probiotic activity in the diet given to broilers. Methodology. 103 chickens, divided into three groups, were used. One of them was taken as a control. The second was fed with concentrated food without growth boosting antibiotics, and with probiotic bacteria, plus yeast. The third group was fed with concentrated food without growth boosters, but with commercial probiotics (Prokura Poll-S®). A chicken from every group was slaughtered in three moments (days 10, 20 and 42), and the cecum of each chicken was extracted and diluted until10-2, inoculating 0,1ml in MRS agar at 37ºC/anaerobically/72 hours. After this period, colony forming units (CFU) and identification by Gram were determined. For the molecular evaluation, DNA was extracted with a QIAGEN kit and by amplifying the 16s region of ribosomalDNA by PCR in order to identify the bacteria attached. Results. It was determined that the CFU account augments throughout time. In the last count, 352 CFU were found in the first group; 1604 in the second and 1260 in the third, corresponding to Lactobacillus, and the bacterial DNA was obtained, but the rDNA did not get amplified. Conclusions: An increase of CFU in the counts evaluated could be seen, but the bacteria species were not molecularly determined because more sensitive techniques are required to study them.Item Tres aspectos en las relaciones de consumo: la naturaleza del contrato de consumo; el consumidor como parte débil en la contratación y, la integración contractual de las declaraciones publicitarias(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Granados Aristizábal, Juan IgnacioAbstract: The circumstances under which consumption contracts are developed forced a re-thinking of some of the dogmatic positions the classic conception contained about contracts and, therefore, the general contract’s theory. Within this development some topics have appeared as paradigmatic, such as those related to the nature of the contract with a consumer, the asymmetric power relationship in the contract and the relevance of the advertising information for the contract. Concerning the consumption contracts’ nature, a search for the elements that characterize the relationship established, with the intention to clearly define which the legislation applicable for it is, is in order. For the point about the contractors position in the relationship they establish, the national and foreign doctrines has been unanimous to say that the consumer is a structurally weaker part in the contract, because of a lack of information elements about the good or the service he/she wants to get and also because he/she does not participate in the discussion of the clauses that will, finally, discipline his/her contractual behavior. Finally, and as a mechanism to re-establish the contract’s balance, pre-contract duties about the information provided by publicity professionals and the contract integration theory for advertising declarations, aim to allow the consumer to give his/her consent after being appropriately informed and have a guarantee that the provider will accomplish the conditions announced in the markets by the publicity acts he/she made.Item Perspectivas y avances de investigación(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Corporación Universitaria LasallistaItem Pesticidas tradicionales y contaminantes emergentes en la producción hortofrutícola(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Jiménez Cartagena, Claudio; Peñuela Mesa, Gustavo AntonioAbstract: Human activities, including those related to production, lead to generate liquid, solid and gas waste that impact ecosystems in a dramatic way, especially water bodies. Organic micropollutants that persist in water cycles constitute an issue of great concern, given the difficulty to remove them in water treatment processes, the considerable increase of water re-use, the lack of knowledge about their presence or absence in the systems and the analytic and instrumental limitations. Not only ignoring the nature and persistence of such pollutants, but also ignoring their transformation products, is an environmental problem that jeopardizes the stability of ecosystems and the food security of Colombian people. The analytic and research challenge is enormous, but only developing new knowledge will Colombia be a competitive country in the fitosanitary field in international markets. The global concern about water pollutants and food, such as fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products among others, not only is about pesticides, It is addressed towards products such as triclosan and fragances in personal care products, nonylphenol and bisphenol (sub products from detergent’s metabolisms) steroidal hormones and antibiotics used in veterinary medicine and pharmacotherapy, polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyls (flame retardants), phthalates (plasticizers) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain killers, among others. Due to this reason, it is necessary not only to develop instrumental methodologies for their qualification and quantification, but eco-toxicity tests to allow real approaches to the exposition risk.Item Efecto de los suplementos fluido folicular y suero fetal bovino sobre la maduración in vitro de oocitos equinos(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Restrepo Betancur, Giovanni; Giraldo Giraldo, John Jairo; Gómez Oquendo, Jorge; Vásquez Araque, Neil; Vásquez Correa, Eliana María; Ortega Flórez, Jorge Andrés; Córdoba, Luís FernandoAbastract: Introduction. The production of embryos in horses is a technique that provides higher reproduction efficiency for animals with a high genetic value. The access to it and its success are limited, though, due to the difficulties to reach efficient fertilization rates by the use of in vitro conventional fertilization, and given the need of many technical and economic resources for ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection), among other limitations for embryo development in vitro. A fundamental step for embryo production in horses is the in vitro maturation, because it determines the capability an egg has to become an embryo. Several media, fluids and molecules have been evaluated, aiming to improve this process, but an optimal composition of the maturation medium for horse oocytes is not yet known. Objective. To evaluate two components for in vitro maturation: The bovine fetal serum and the horse’s follicular fluid, to understand the physiological reproductive conditions of mares in our environment and what component is better for the maturation as an indicator of the oocyte´s ability to develop itself as an embryo. Materials y Methods. For the in vitro maturation, the bovine fetal serum and the horse´s follicular fluid, they were individually included in a 20% proportion in TCM-199 medium, additionally supplemented with gonadotropins (FSH and LH), antibiotics, glutamine, insulin, transferrin and selenium. Groups of 5 oocytes were incubated during a 36 hours period in controlled environmental conditions, at 39°C, 5% of CO2 and 90% of relative humidity. Results. Higher percentages of maximum expansion of the cluster could be seen for oocytes supple mented with bovine fetal serum (47.5%) compared with those maturated with horse’s follicular fluid (16,2%). No statistic difference was found for the in vitro maturation percentages between treatments. Conclusion. The bovine fetal serum as a supplement for in vitro maturation has a beneficial effect on the cluster expansion of horse’s oocytes.Item Aprovechamiento de residuos de la agroindustria de cítricos: extracción y caracterización de flavonoides(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Londoño Londoño, Julián AlbertoAbstract: The industrial use of citrus fruits has become an intensive activity in which there are companies dedicated to work for all the productivity chain (farmers, processors, distributors and traders) producing juice, pulp, concentrates and fresh fruits. Nevertheless, as production increases, the production of solid and liquid waste, especially water, soluble sugars, fiber, organic acids, amino acids, minerals, essential oils, flavonoids and vitamins creates a problem. Flavonoids, specifically, are widely distributed among vegetables, have showed a great variety of organic activities and have a great added value, given their possible industrial applications. As the interest in bioactive substances from a natural origin is increasing, it becomes imperative to develop extraction methods with fewer pollutants and with a maximum performance by those bioactive substances, with a shorter period of time and with a lower cost. This research work, precisely, introduces a description of flavonoids in citrus fruits remains, emphasizing the methods for extracting and characterizing them.Item Valores hematológicos en caballos criollos colombianos del Valle de Aburrá(Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, 2011-06-03) Castillo Franz, Cristian Alejandro; Tobón Restrepo, Mauricio; Cano Benjumea, Claudia Alejandra; Mira Hernández, Juliana; Suárez Ortega, Ana Patricia; Vásquez Correa, Eliana MaríaAbastract: Colombian creole horses are native and descent, in part, from the horses brought by Spanish conquerors. They are mainly used as farm and exhibition animals, given their colorful and particular ways to take their steps and, currently, they are the most important race countrywide. Keeping in mind the usefulness of CBC in medicine and in horse clinics as a tool for diagnosis and therapies, and the little quantity of information available about the blood values for this race within the region, the hematologic values of a group of 162 horses were studied. The horses were distributed into six groups in the Aburrá valley. The blood samples collection started in April 2009 and finished in May, 2010. The blood was gotten directly from the external jugular vein and was stored in tubes with EDTA. Those Samples were processed in the veterinary clinic laboratory, in order to obtain the values of the quantities of erythrocytes (mil/μL), hematocrit (%), hemoglobin (g/dL), mid corpuscular volume (MCV), concentration of corpuscular mid hemoglobin (C.Hb.C.M), platelets (x103/μL), plasmatic proteins (g/L), fibrinogen (g/L), total leukocyte count (/μL) and absolute specific leucometry. The values obtained show small variations in comparison to the hematologic parameters applied in other world class races. In general, they had only a few hematologic alterations, and it could be related with the right management and the good health of these animals.