Impacto medioambiental de las propuestas de acceso norte a la Manga del Mar Menor (Región de Murcia, España)
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Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Editorial Lasallista.
Introduction: la Manga del Mar Menor is a coastal range of 21 kilometres long, with a great urban density and only one access from the south. Objective: to analyze the three northern access proposals made in the last decades: a road that would cross the protected area of the Salinas y Arenales de San Pedro del Pinatar, a tunnel under the Mar Menor, and a footbridge that would connect La Manga with the Salinas by crossing the Encañizadas marshes. Materials and methods: news appeared in the regional press have been compiled, scientificarticles and specialized publications have been consulted and cartography has been carried out with the QGIS. Results: the impacts on the landscape, natural heritage and tourism are analysed. The road and footbridge could produce environmental effects on the marshes;the road could also produce negative effects on tourism in the Salinas. If access is by means of a tunnel, damage could be caused to the Mar Menor during its construction, and also a high economic cost, which does not seem to be borne by either the administration or private enterprise. Conclusions: the environmental and economic impacts of the territory that it would have to cross, could be higher than the economic benefits foreseen in the Manga del Mar Menor
Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, Patrimonio natural, Territorio y desarrollo, Protección del medio ambiente, Turismo ecológico