Garcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoGiraldo Zuluaga, Conrado2014-10-212014-10-212014-10-211794-4449 methodology to solve cases under the ontological personalist bioethics model based on virtue is proposed in this paper, aiming to clarify the procedure at the moment of the ethical judgment and allow the provision of recommendations and the final choice for every situation. This methodology should be taken into account by the committees that deliberate in experiments with animals, in order to have clear judgments within the bioethical model proposed. Scientists who perform experiments with animals must be aware of the fact that the acts performed in such experiments must be mediated by virtuous actions which, one way or another, will extoll thir work and practices for the good of the planet, including mankind´s wellbeing. Animals must be treated carefully and personalistic bioethics based on virtue must advance along with excellent deeds, thus extolling the behavior of men to an actually human position.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaNiversidad Pontificia BolivarianaBioéticaÉticaMoralÉtica científicaInvestigación en animalesMetodología para la deliberación en el modelo bioético personalista con fundamentación en la virtudMethodology for the deliberation in the personalistic bioethical method based on virtueMetodologia para a deliberação no modelo bioético personalista com fundamentação na virtudeArticle