Arango Restrepo, Pablo2015-03-202015-03-2020141909-0455 current times the society has several amazing research developments, and future expecta -tions are even higher. Doctors and researchers have enormous amounts of information in real time, technology allows great developments and the applications in medicine are really benefi -cial. But what is really missed is ethics. One of the weakest fields is the one known as conflict of interests for researchers who, looking for benefits for their sponsors or for themselves, make some kinds of frauds in their research works. Several regulations have been proposed to avoid this, but what really can avoid it is having ethical and honest people making research.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráÉtica profesionalÉtica científicaConflicto - InvestigacionesFraudeInvestigación - FraudeInvestigaciónConflicto de intereses en investigaciónConflict of interests in researchConflito de interesses em investigaçãoArticle