Henao Villa, César FelipeGarcía Arango, David AlbertoAguirre Mesa, Elkin DaríoGonzález García, ArturoBracho Aconcha, RosaSolorzano Movilla, Jose GregorioArboleda López, Adriana Patricia2017-08-022017-08-0220171794-4449DOI: 10.22507/rli.v14n1a16http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1831Nowadays, engineering schools are faced with complex needs in realities that are often alien to them and transcend disciplinary limits. The efforts to understand this result in the implementation of conceptualization spaces oriented towards the articulation of processes coherent with the institutional work and the policies of accreditation in high quality. Objective. To analyze relevant aspects of research training in the School of Engineering of the American University Corporation considering the challenges imposed by the disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and / or transdisciplinary tensions of sciences. Materials and methods. Disciplinarity, Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity concepts are studied from their relationship with training. Subsequently, perceptions of students in research training processes are identified through an exploratory analysis of results obtained from an evaluation survey of a transdisciplinary activity called “lessons learned forum,” the analysis was carried out using a chi-square test with a 95% reliability for a sample of 200 students of the Engineering School for the year 2016. Results. Taking into account the rejection of independence for 24 2 36,4 , in which 24 represent the degrees of freedom with a 5% error, the initial hypothesis is retained. Conclusion: There is an independence between the semester and students’ concept about their training by competences in relation to the forum, which entails the need to propose intervention strategies for the transgression of what is disciplinary and to promote complex thinking in students.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInvestigaciónFormaciónEducación superiorEducación - Métodos de enseñanzaMultidisciplinariedad, interdisciplinariedad y transdisciplinariedad en la formación para la investigación en ingenieríaMultidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity in training for engineering researchMultidisciplinariedade, interdisciplinariedade e transdisciplinariedade na formação para a investigação em engenhariaArticle