Irizar, Liliana Beatriz2013-05-032013-05-0320121794-4449 article approaches a much studied subject from several disciplines. But it does so from under a less explored aspect: the characterization of human knowledge as an act of the spirit and, therefore, open to empirical and metaempirical –or immaterial- realities. The main objective of this essay is to demonstrate the fact that research and innovation, which are highly boosted and potentialized in several institutional spaces, cannot be separated from a vision of the intellectual knowledge that understands them within their genuine dimension, which is an act of the spirit, open to the whole reality and characterized by its immediacy, immateriality and intentionality. At the same time, the essay intends to remark that research and innovation are inextricably united to freedom and to the admiration foran intelligence that is free of the impositions of the techno system. To meet the objectives, the exposition consists of two parts: The first is about the nature or the essence of human knowledge and the second refers to freedom and admiration as conditions for research and innovation. The demonstrative argumentation of the philosophical speech is used all over the development of the subject.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaConocimientoInnovaciónConocimiento humanoLa novedad del conocimiento humano: fuente perenne de toda innovaciónThe novelty of human knowledge: perennial source for innovationA novidade do conhecimento humano: fonte perenne de toda inovaçãoArticle