Bermúdez Rojo, MaribelBoscan Romero, NeidaMuñoz Rojas, DelvisVidal Durán, BetsyArchila Guio, Carlos Mauricio2018-08-142018-08-142017Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 11794-4449 Knowledge management on R+D groups in Colombian Public Universities is based on thehumancapital’sstrengthinvolvedinthecompany’s work dynamics; in this sense, to integrate theoretical and epistemological basis derive from theories of Tinoco & Soler (2011); Cabello et al. (2010); Meleros & Palomera (2010); Riescos (2006) and Bueno (2003). Objective. To describe the knowledge management on R+D groups in Colombian Public Universities. Methods and materials. A descriptive, non- experimental, study with on field design. It also uses the survey as a technique, and a scalar Likert type questionnaire, applied to researchers of R+D groups as an instrument. A test population was constituted by four R+D groups of public universities, Uniguajira, Magdalena, Popular del Cesar and Antioquia from Colombia. The whole referenced population was approached; therefore, we used the population census. Arias (2006). Results. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The main results were: first, researchers’ experiences, that positively influence on the productivity of the research group; second, the knowledge, result of continuous training programs that forms researchers, and third the creativity and innovation, because only 50% of researchers provide new ideas and are satisfied with innovation program policies. Conclusion. With this research, we contributed to strengthen Colombian public universities R+D groups, their continuing training programs, policies and innovation programs that increase creativity and innovation in researchers.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaGestión del conocimientoEducación superior - ColombiaGrupos de investigación - ColombiaCapital humanoCreatividadInnovaciónInvestigadoresGestión del conocimiento en grupos de I+D: un enfoque basado en los componentes del capital humanoKnowledge management on R+D groups: an approach to the human capital componentsGestão do conhecimento em grupos de I+D: um enfoque baseado nos componentes do capital humanoArticle