Agudelo Sánchez, Estella2015-02-182015-02-1820141794-4449 ex ercise research professors do is aiming disciplines and knowledge to be transversal, in order to achieve an update of the pedagogy and the didactic elements of every study object. In this task, philosophy and aesthetic could contribute to the comprehension of the transformations that new technologies are bringing to the communication field and, therefore, to education. The communication process also needs to be expanded to be a part of the multi diverse ways humans connect in order to receive information. This is why, today, the capacity and the speed of information subsume the mass media and an unlimited semiosis emerges between transmitters and receivers, bringing a new ontology to the fact of being in the networks. We are from the Homo´s revolution, but we have to identify a new way of Sapiens: We have to know how, where, when and why we look for information. This is being Googlens. This text is an approach to the inquiries emerging around language, communication and the man in contemporary times, and aims to open spaces between communication and philosophy within the spectrum of the virtual world. In this scenario is where human and social sciences struggle in order to get a new designation: digital humanities. When a speech is said from digital humanities, a vision that establishes “other” pillars of the communication process emerges: A debate between IT and the expression and the communication multimodalities current transmitters and receivers -which means the “digital natives”- have.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)LenguajeEducación - TecnologíaLenguaje - EvoluciónHomo Googlens: diseminación del lenguaje y su influencia en la comunicación glocalHomo Googlens: The dissemination of language and its influence in glocal communicationHomo googlens: disseminação da linguagem e sua influência na comunicação glocalArticle