Cerquera Córdoba, Ara Mercedes2014-10-162014-10-162014-10-161794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1163Alzeimer´s pathology appears as a disease that contributes to a dependence situation that not only affects the patients, but also their families. This way, the role of the informal caregiver emerges, and they are, precisely, the most affected ones. Clinical research has started to pay attention to this population, especially with psychological intervention programs. Bioethics emerge as the main axis in the treatment of elderly people with Alzheimer type dementia, in the way informal caregivers assume their role and the standards the psychology professionals can follow in the creation of intervention programs for those caregivers.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaBioéticaInvestigación clínicaAlzheimerBioética en la investigación con cuidadores informales de pacientes con demencia tipo Alzheimer e intervenciones psicológicasResearch bioethics with informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer type dementia and psychological interventionsBioética na investigação com cuidadores informais de pacientes com demência tipo Alzheimer e intervenções psicológicasResume