Cardona Gallo, Margarita María2012-04-302012-04-3020061909-0455 resources must be organized in such a way that their use and management can be planned and the activities of the consumers can be oriented and regulated, to maintain and establish an adequate balance between the economic exploitation and the preservation of the physical and biotical structure of those resources. By this strategy, policies will be defined in order to organize hydric resources in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley, keeping in mind the physical problems which affect water and solving the necessities of this resource for human, industrial, mining and services supply, among others.esRecursos hídricosOrdenamiento territorialCuencas hidrográficasTasas retributivas (impuestos)Corporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráOrdenamiento y manejo integral del territorio metropolitano del Valle de Aburrá, con énfasis en el recurso aguaOrganization and integral management of the Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley, emphasizing on hydric resourcesArticle