Álvarez Hincapié, Carlos FedericoVelásquez Arredondo, Héctor Iván2015-03-062015-03-062015-03-061909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1250Ecologic systems operate from the interaction of biotic and abiotic elements, including masses, energy and information flows. Exergy is the component of energy that can develop a maximum work capacity with respect to a reference state in the environment. Its application in the study of ecosystems allows the development of theories, models and approaches based on thermodynamics, thus increasing the prediction and the analysis power of environmental and ecological sciences. This revision introduces a synopsis of the concept of exergy and some applications on ecological and environmental studies.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráBiodiversidadEnergíaEcosistemasExergía en sistemas biológicos: Aproximación holística para el estudio de ecosistemas y el manejo ambientalExergy in biological systems: a holistic approach to the study of ecosystems and environmental managementExergia em sistemas biológicos: aproximação holística para o estudo de ecossistemas e o manejo ambientalArticle