Sánchez Upegui, Alexánder ArbeySánchez Ceballos, Lina MaríaMéndez Rendón, Juan CamiloPuerta Gil, Carlos Augusto2020-12-102020-12-102013Revista Lasallista de Investigación - Vol. 10 No. 2 - 20131794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/2829From a textual-linguistic focus, this article exposes a series of considerations about literacy in the universi-ty using three key categories as a base: intertextua-lity, argumentative writing and reading online, within the informational literacy framework. These are in-terdependent and central concepts to strengthen the communicative development within the context of a superior order academic literacy, directly involving the disciplines, the research processes and the tea-ching-learning practices in higher education, given the fact that knowledge is a discursive construction.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaAlfabetización académico-investigativa: citar, argumentar y leer en la redAcademic-investigative literacy: quoting, arguing and reading onlineAlfabetização acadêmico-investigativa: citar, argumentar e ler na redeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces