Garcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoHernández Ángel, Marta LucíaPeñuela Mesa, Gustavo AntonioRodríguez Restrepo, AlejandraSalazar Palacio, Julián Andrés2012-04-272012-04-2720061909-0455 In textile industry there is a big production of waste water coming from all processes and it is difficult to be treated worldwide. Currently, research works are being made, applying advanced oxidation processes among which we have homogeneous and heterogeneous photo catalysis. This term is understood as the process that uses ultra violet light and an inorganic and semi conductive solid material, to provoke a chemical transformation. Objective. To evaluate the photo degradation sensitized with titanium dioxide for the recoltive red dye, by using an ultra violet light lamp. Materials and Methods. Several rehearsals were made with a 100 mgL-1 concentrations of the recoltive red dye used in the textile industry. It was also put under photo catalysis processes with an ultra violet lamp. Using TiO2 as a catalyst and H2O2 as an oxidant, we aim to identify the conditions under which this process is most effective. The rehearsals were made three times each, always with a joint pH control. The parameters measured were the dye degradation percentage and the mineralization, keeping in mind that the substances produced must be those less polluting. A twolevel experimental factorial design was applied to the data obtained, with interaction between the photo catalyst and the oxidant agent. Results. The rehearsals with a higher degradation percentage and a faster reaction are for the titanium dioxide with hydrogen peroxide under the following concentrations: 100 mgL-1 TiO2 and 2% of H2O2 for a 96% degradation and 0 of TiO2 and 2% v/v of H2O2 for a final degradation of 93%. Conclusions. The effect, when the titanium dioxide concentration is increased, is a higher degradation of the recoltive red dye. This ratifies the fact that the increase of the TiO2 allows that more active points exist to generate hydroxyl radicals and, therefore, a higher possibility of augmenting the degradation and mineralization percentages.esFotocatálisisTratamiento de aguas residualesFotodegradaciónAguas residuales coloreadasCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráMineralizaciónOxidaciónPeróxido de hidrógeno (H2O2)Fotodegradación sensibilizada con TiO2 del colorante rojo recoltive utilizando lámpara de luz UVPhotodegradation sensibilized with TiO2 from recoltive red dye, by the use of an UV light lampArticle