Restrepo Gallego, Mauricio2012-04-162012-04-1620041794-4449 the great demand of sugar-free products it is necessary to find new applications for traditional products and additives. This is the case of the fumaric acid, for which a sweetener or sweeteners mixture that grants a good level of synergy in products like powder beverages is being searched. The current investigations suggest that the encapsulation process is the best alternative to achieve a good balance between acidulants and sweeteners, taking advantage of their physicochemical and sensorial qualities.esEdulcoranteÁcido fumáricoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaAcidulanteRefrescos en polvoProductos libres de azúcarEndulzantes artificialesAlimentosAlimentos dietéticosSinergia entre edulcorantes no calóricos y el ácido fumáricoSinergy between non-caloric sweeteners and fumaric acid.Article