Builes Rodríguez, Juan CarlosPeláez Orrego, Ana Patricia2012-07-052012-07-0520081794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/494Introduction. Canine disc disease can be cervical or lumbar- thoracic. Disk injuries are most common between a T11-L12 inter spaces. A syndrome is observed frequently in chondrodistrophic and small races, such as Dachshound, Beagle, Caniche, Shitzu and Maltese. It is classificated by veterinarians in two types of disk degenerations: they are Hansen type I and type II protrusions. Objective. To introduce a new method that allows a diagnosis of a canine disk disease by the use of magnetic resonance. Materials and methods. A magnetic resonance was used by veterinarians for a final diagnosis in a disk injury in a Beagle that also had a disease related with a Euthyroid Patient Syndrome. Results. A definite diagnosis of a lumbar herniated disk was confirmed by the use of magnetic resonance. Results of a blood chemical, a thyroid hormone analysis and a patient’s clinic history show a syndrome compatible with that of the euthyroid patient. Conclusion. A magnetic resonance can be a certain method for a definitive diagnosis for disk injuries in small animals.esHernia discalCorporación Universitaria LasallistaSíndrome del paciente eutiroideoEnfermedad discal caninaSobrepesoPerros - EnfermedadesPerrosHernia discal lumbar en un canino compatible con síndrome del paciente eutiroideoHerniated lumbar disc in canine, compatible with euthyroid patient syndromHérnia de disco lombar num canino compatível com síndrome do paciente eutiroideoArticle