Calderón Giraldo, Jeniffer2015-08-032015-08-032015-08-031909-0455 is a synthetic monomer used in several industrial applications, especially in water treatment. In April 2002, Swedish researchers reported not only its presence in food subjected to thermal treatments, but also its possible neurotoxic and cancerous effects. Since then, its quantities in food, its formation mechanisms, its metabolic ways, quantification methods and mitigation strategies are being studied by governmental entities and academics, as it is considered a public health hazard.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráAcrilamida en los alimentosInocuidad de los alimentosAspectos sobre acrilamida: formación, cuantificación, mitigación y futuras consideraciones. Una revisiónA revision on acrylamide aspects: formation, quantification, mitigation and future considerationsAspectos sobre acrilamida: formação, quantificação, mitigação e futuras considerações. Uma revisãoArticle