Rengifo Palacios, FranciaEstrada Pareja, Mónica MaríaCalle Velásquez, Camilo AlbertoGaleano Vasco, Luis Fernando2020-02-042020-02-042019Revista Produccoón + Limpia Vol. 14 No 1–20191909-0455 This study proves how poultry sector growth is linked to the production of polluting emissions and enriches the discussion about the environmental recovery capacity of productive systems. Objective. To detect possible factors that influence environmental recovery, and to design resilient production models. Materials and methods. By applying the Environmental Kuznets Curve model, the relationship existing between N2O emissions from the poultry manure management and the worldwide sector production between 1961 and 2014 is analyzed, identifying the countries that follow such model, which indicates that as production increases, emissions tend to decrease. To do so, FAOSTAT, World Food Bank and OECD data were used, which were studied by graphic analysis, quadratic model and multiple factor analysis for mixed dada, through the R Studio program. Results. Incomes and economic development, represented by the countries belonging to the OCDE, are one of the main factors that explain the relationship between emissions and productivity in resilient countries, that is, they presented a Kuznets Curve. Conclusions. These results pave the way for the argument about the particular conditions that cause this phenomenon to occur, one of which is the use of technology, which may increase efficiency in the use of resources, thereby allowing to minimize the poultry system externalities.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráAves de corralEconomíaMedio ambienteProducción avícolaAnálisis de la resiliencia en la producción avícola a nivel mundial mediante curva de KuznetsAnalysis of worldwide poultry production resilience through Kuznets Curveinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces