Valencia Alaix, Franccisco JoséJohnson Navarro, FedericoDuque Echeverri, Ángela María2012-05-312012-05-3120051794-4449 Freemartin syndrome is one of the different reproductive malformations that can come up in the cattle growing, and it produces consequences like a diminishing of the reproductive efficiency and economical loses due to that fact. This malformation is a kind of infertility that mainly affects cows which are born from heterosexual twin births, characterized by an underdevelopment of the reproductive tract. Objective: To establish the possible diagnosis for the Freemartin syndrome in a cow born in a heterosexual twin birth. Materials and methods: The diagnosis was made from an anatomical evaluation of the cow and the carioypical and DNA sequence analysis related to sexual determination. Results: The cow suffered from abnormalities of the reproductive apparatus which classified her as having the Freemartin syndrome, and she also showed cellular extensions with chromosomal quimerism (60,XX/60,XY) and amplified specific regions for the Y chromosome. Conclusion: The tree methods used confirmed the diagnosis of the cow as having Freemartin syndrome.esIntersexoSíndrome de freemartinCorporación Universitaria LasallistaQuimerismo cromosómicoGanado vacunoGanado vacuno - EnfermedadesIdentificación anatómica, citogenética y molecular de un caso de síndrome de FreemartinAnatomical, citogenetic and molecular identification of a Freemartin Syndrome CaseArticle