Bruzón Viltres, Carlos JustoAntúnez Sánchez, Alcides Francisco2013-04-162013-04-1620121909-0455 article makes a general approach to some aspects related to the international protection of human rights and of the environmental rights in particular, from the configuration of the international environmental law, its main challenges and perspectives and its role as a complement of the internal juridical regulations, under environmental terms. Elements related to the conventional regulations for the main global problems that put environment in jeopardy are analyzed, and so are the regulation´s protective character concerning human rights in their evolution process.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráDerechos humanosDerechos ambientalesDerecho ambiental internacionalMedio ambienteProtección del medio ambienteReflexiones en torno a la protección de los derechos humanos desde la perspectiva del derecho ambiental internacionalReflections about the protection of human rights from the perspective of international environmental lawReflexões em torno da proteção dos direitos humanos desde a perspectiva do direito ambiental internacionalArticle