Lenis Sucerquia, Gustavo AdolfoCruz Casallas, Pablo EmilioDavid Ruales, Carlos Arturo2015-08-242015-08-242015-08-241794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1352“Sabaleta” fish, Brycon henni, is an endemic species from the mountain zones of Colombia, which adapts itself well to temperate and warm waters. Given its cultural importance in the life zones associated to its presence, several aspects of its biology, its ecology and confined reproduction have been being developed. Despite the fact this species is considered as promising for continental aquaculture, the research works about its induced reproduction reported until 2009 have not achieved satisfactory results. The most recent tests of reproduction in captivity are expected to contribute to the development of this species ´ cultivation.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaSabaletasSabaletas Brycon HenniReproducción animalReproducción de pecesReproducción inducida de la sabaleta Brycon henni: revisión bibliográficaInduced reproduction of “sabaleta” fish (Brycon henna): a bibliographic revisionReprodução induzida da sabaleta Brycon henni: revisão bibliográficaArticle