Cano Giraldo, Ana MilenaCano Giraldo, Juan David2012-07-162012-07-1620081909-0455 Metálicas Caldas Ltda is an industry from the metal-mechanic sector, founded in 1981 and specialized on making machinery and parts for industrial uses in general. Its solid waste management has ever been inappropriate. Methodology. In recent years, Metálicas Caldas Ltda has been implementing within its processes, integral policies for the management of solid waste. Results. By implementing those policies, we achieved a reduction of the environmentally harmful impact produced by the waste, a better consciousness among employees and also a saving of economic resources, which are now used in welfare programs for the employees and their families. Conclusion. It is clear that incorporating cleaner production policies in metal mechanic industries is important.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráIndustria metal mecánicaResiduos sólidosResiduos industrialesProducción más limpiaPlan de manejo integral de residuos sólidos (PMIRS)Residuos sólidos - ManejoMejoramiento en el manejo de los residuos sólidos en una industria metal mecánicaIncreasing the Management of solid waste in a metal-mechanic industryMelhoramento no manejo dos resíduos sólidos numa indústria metal mecânicaArticle