Escobar Londoño, Julia Victoria2012-06-262012-06-2620071794-4449 is a matter of great interest in all educational levels, especially due to the dichotomy it implies when is understood as a process and as a result. In higher education, this discussion is even more relevant when optimal conditions are given for students and teachers, providing them with the support of learning evaluation to advance in the pursuit of the best integral formation for men and women – especially Colombian citizens, providing them with the competences to become world citizens- required to achieve transformation levels in diverse dimensions. The challenge must be faced now, and the protagonist roles for making it real are the university teachers.esEvaluaciónEducación superiorEducación superior - EvaluaciónEvaluación académicaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaHeteroevaluaciónAutoevaluaciónCoevaluaciónEvaluación de aprendizajes. Un asunto vital en la educación superiorLearning evaluation: a vital matter in higher educationAvaliação de aprendizagens. Um assunto vital na educação superiorArticle