Quijano Pérez, Silvia AndreaSoto Zuluaga, Adriana MaríaGil Garzón, Miriam Janet2015-03-112015-03-1120141909-0455http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1268Introduction. This article shows the results of a didactic strategy applied in an environmental management class at Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM). Objective. Achieve critical and passionate attitudes in the students towards local environmental problems. Methodology. Group works about environmental issues, exposed in the classroom and oriented by the teacher, based on questions that create controversy. Results. The most approached issues and the most controversial were solid waste in neighborhoods and hydric contamination in local creeks, both with a 23% occurrence. Conclusions. The students demonstrated an improvement concerning their capacity of response, coherence in their argumentation and critical analysis of the environmental issues discussed. Besides, the activity generated a working environment that was very motivating and brought better attention and participation, thus bringing a higher commitment that went beyond the subject itself.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráInstituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM)Didáctica de la educaciónDidácticaPensamiento críticoEstrategia didáctica basada en preguntas para favorecer el pensamiento crítico en la clase de gestión ambiental en el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano -ITMDidactic strategy based on questions to favor critical thinking in the environmental management class, at Instituto Tecnológico MetropolitanoEstratégia didática baseada em perguntas para favorecer o pensamento crítico na classe de gestão ambiental no Instituto Tecnológico MetropolitanoArticle