Salazar Vargas, Diego LeónGonzález Gallego, Juliana2016-11-182016-11-182015á Sur Cómo Vamos is a program that is responsible for monitoring and evaluation of changes in the quality of life of the habitants of South Aburrá Valley, it has among its objectives to be a starting point in making decisions public politics promote transparency in local government and accountabilities, while educating citizens with knowledge of the situation within their territory, accountable and participatory consciousness. The focus of this paper is to make a plan that accompanies the research process of the program, a communication plan that allows the function to publicize it, improve relations with the public directly related to citizenship and promote actions that help to improve territories south of the Aburrá Valley. Throughout this paper we will display the generated ideas for strengthening communications in Aburrá Sur Cómo Vamos program with tactics that should be implemented for this to be effective, and ultimately the impact generated in public with the merits of the strategies.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaComunicación y PeriodismoComunicación organizacionalPrograma Aburrá Sur Cómo VamosPropuesta de fortalecimiento de la comunicación del Programa Aburrá Sur Cómo VamosThesis