Carvajal Muñoz, Juan Sebastián2012-03-292012-03-2920111909-0455 photocatalysis is an effective process for degrading and mineralizing of pollutants in waste water from several sources. It has been used along with other conventional techniques, achieving increases in chemical kinetics and a more efficient pollution removal. Conventional water treatments with surfactants are made by a biological action during the primary sedimentation. However, other possible treatments such as advanced oxidation processes have been explored. This article revises the most important investigations related to the subject and mentions some of the advantages photocatalysis has if compared to other systems.esFotocatálisisCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráTratamiento de aguas residualesFotocatálisis heterogéneaAguas residualesAguas residuales industrialesFotocatálisis heterogénea para el abatimiento de tensoactivos aniónicos en aguas residualesHeterogeneous photocatalysis for the abatement of anionic surfactants in waste waterFotocatálise heterogênea para a redução de tensoativos aniônicos em águas residuaisArticle