Zárate Cuello, Amparo de JesúsCorzo Pérez, Paula AdrianaValero Cárdenas, Humberto2015-08-242015-08-242015-08-241794-4449http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1349The marital and parent-child configuration that has survived disasters and holocausts throughout the history of mankind has undoubtedly been formed by a man and a woman. Given the cultural experiments of postmodernism on the various sexual tendencies, requires dialogue biosciences behavior as psychiatry and psychology biolaw compared to bioethics problematic to equate gay marriage or same sex in the same plane equal to heterosexual. It runs on the genealogy of sexual identity that is multiplied with the struggle for social acceptance of diverse sexual orientations and experimentation as polyamory. Added to your wishes homo new family structures, where the interests of the child are neglects to progeny of desire.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaBioéticaBioética - Aspectos sociológicosHomosexualismoMatrimonioMatrimonio homosexualPsicología experimentalDiálogo entre las biociencias del comportamiento y el bioderecho frente al dilema bioético del matrimonio homosexual y la progenie en colombiaDialogue between biosciences and behavioral biolaw against bioethical dilemma of marriage homosexualy progeny in colombiaDiálogo entre biociências e Biodireito comportamental contra dilema bioético da homosexualy casamento progênie na ColômbiaArticle