Rodríguez Gómez, CamilaCarvajal Tabares, Daniel2020-02-042020-02-042019Revista Produccoón + Limpia Vol. 14 No 1–20191909-0455 Shopping centers are urban structures that allow the confluence of different activities in a single space, and they can become environmentally friendly places through the reduction of their negative impacts. Objective. The objective of this research is to propose environmental management measuresfor key aspectsin seven shopping centers of intermediate cities or towns of medium-low socioeconomic status in Colombia. Materials and methods. Astructured survey was carried out in order to identify the currentstate of environmental management and the critical aspects in the seven commercial centers chosen. Results. It was found that the management of solid waste and of dumping are the issuesthat have the greatest deficit in their environmental management;Therefore, environmentalmeasures are proposed to mitigate, correct and compensate the negative impacts ofthese two aspects,mainly. Conclusion. In conclusion, the strengthening of internal technical-operational aspects and working with the community are fundamentalforthe improvement of environmental management.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráGestión ambientalResiduos químicosResiduos sólidosFisicoquímicaContaminación biológicaMedidas de manejo ambiental en centros comerciales de ciudades intermediasEnvironmental management measures in shopping centers of intermediate citiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces