Acosta Véliz, MarjorieLovato Torres, SofíaBuñay Cantos, Jahaira2019-05-302019-05-302018Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 15 No 2 20181794-4449 The objective of this research is to Objective. define the application of corporate social responsibility in Ecuador, since it represents a voluntary decision by companies to improve the conditions of interest groups in order to obtain future economic benefits. In Ecuador, CSR is still poorly applied and is generally applied in a philanthropic manner or with care for the environment, so that the term is not yet rooted in corporate values and objectives. Materials and methods. The methodology used has a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach through exploratory, descriptive and documentary research with an inductive-deductive method. Results. As a result, it was determined that in terms of CSR, Ecuador is still analyzing and testing the benefits offered by CSR. Conclusion. However, it is concluded that more and more companies begin to value the purposes of social responsibility and show interest in implementing it in organizations.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaEstrategias de innovaciónLa responsabilidad social corporativa y su rol en las empresas ecuatorianasThe corporate social responsibility and its role in ecuadorian enterprisesLa responsabilidad social corporativa e su rol em las empresas ecuatorianasArticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces