Arango Navarro, Fernando AquilesArango Navarro, Delio David2018-11-152018-11-152018Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 15 N. 11794-4449 This paper stems from an investigation to characterize the political kidnapping by the FARC in Colombia. Objective. To Develop the profile of the guerrilla who would succeed the legality if the peace process between the Colombian government and the FARC. Materials and methods. It is a descriptive exploratory research based on content analysis, from the reading of seven books whose authors were victims of political kidnapping by the FARC. Results. The guerrilla reaches almost always very young squad, hunger, fear, need or belief; It is inserted in a rigid and vertical organization structure, whose ideology is easily indoctrinated, because almost always come poor, will cove that speech. It fits almost always easy to the jungle, but develops insensitivity to people's lives, even animals. The bosses are authoritarian, whimsical and high interference in everyday decisions of guerrillas and hostages. Conclusions. The guerrilla fighter would return to legality she is young, with low or average academic level, but high level of indoctrination; very resourceful in everyday life; used to obey and logic to support their decisions on arms.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaGuerrilla - ColombiaConflicto armado - ColombiaGrupos armadosSecuestro - ColombiaPerfil del guerrillero que regresaría de la ilegalidad en la selva a la legalidadThe profile of the guerrilla return of illegality in the forest legalityPerfil do guerrilheiro que retornaria da ilegalidade na floresta para a legalidadeArticle