Mendoza, Érika CariLegua Laurencio, José LuisCondori Apaza, Renée Mauricio2019-06-062019-06-062018Revista Producción + Limpia-Vol. 13 No 2 - 20181909-0455 This research is focused on the noise pollution of the city of Ilo, the main purpose has been to assess and raise awareness of the disturbing acoustic situation in the city, for which monitoring and sampling techniques were applied to the railways and highways. To obtain the level of sound pressure we used a sonometer. Objective. to determine the levels of sound pressure that are caused by the vehicle fleet during the day and the night in Llo. Materials and methods. The methodology is based on the AMC National Noise Monitoring Protocol No. 031-2011-MINAM / OGA, the use of Class I Sonometer Larson & Davis-IEC 61672 (International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC Standard). Results. W The results obtained according to the methodology developed can infer the following; in the five sound pressure monitoring stations over 50 dBA and 60 dBA, proposed by Peruvian regulations for mixed zones, ranging from a minimum of 42 dBA to a maximum of 118 dBA during the day. For the night time, we have to range from a minimum of 40 dBA to a maximum of 90 dBA. Conclusions. The results show us that sound pressure levels are for high and the average is 70.96 dB due to the flow of the vehicle fleet and the rail line that runs through the middle of the city and that does not comply with national and local.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráContaminación auditivaEmisión acústicaProtocoloDeterminación del nivel de presión sonora generada por el parque automotor en Ilo, PerúDetermination of the sound pressure level generated by the vehicle fleet in the city of Ilo, PeruDeterminação do nível de pressão sonora gerado pela frota de veículos em Ilo, PeruArticleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces