Rosas Jiménez, Carlos Alberto2014-10-182014-10-182014-10-181794-4449 has brought new important elements concerning the way human person is seen, but the vocational dimension has not received as much interest as other elements. By understanding vocation as the call received by every human being to exist and give his/her own existence a meaning, we propose this element as one of the fundamentals of personalist bioethics. This vocational dimension analysis of the person allows a better understanding of the primacy of responsibility, the untransferable value of identity, the attention to others and the role of health professionals as transmitters of such call.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaInstitución Universitaria Colegio Mayor de AntioquiaUniversidad Pontificia BolivarianaBioéticaVocación profesionalLa vida humana como experiencia del llamado a la existencia: implicaciones en bioéticaHuman life as an experience of the call for existence: bioethical implicationsA vida humana como experiência do chamado à existência: implicação na bioéticaArticle