Patiño Salazar, Blanca Nubia2013-10-222013-10-2220122256-3911 paper analyzes the presence of the lyrical me and the use of the mask in four poems: “El oficio de vestirse” (The business of getting dressed), “Sobran palabras” (Too many words), “Patas arriba con la vida” (Upside down with life) and “El oficio de vivir” (The business of living), which are all included in the work Tengo miedo (I am afraid, poetry, 1976-1982) by María Mercedes Carranza (1945-2003).esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónLenguaje escritoPoesíaPoesía contemporaneaMaría Mercedes CarranzaEntre máscaras y verdades. A propósito del yo lírico en la poesía de María Mercedes CarranzaBetween masks and truths. The lyrical me in María Mercedes Carranza´s poetryEntre máscaras e verdades. A propósito do eu lírico na poesia de María Mercedes CarranzaArticle