Montenegro, Aldemar FrancoTorres Pérez, Rosa EdithObando Bastidas, Jorge Alejandro2016-02-232016-02-232015-071909-0455 The microbiological contamination level in the Combeima river. Objective. Was determined in order to analyze its potential risks for being consumed by humans, for recreation and other uses. Materials and methods. From reports of monthly average of total and fecal coliforms, by samplings performed in the intake of its aqueduct system between 2008 and 2012, plus its correlation with the monthly average turbidity occurred. Besides, during 2014 and during dry and rainy seasons, water samples were taken in seven places located throughout the river, in the upstream of the aqueduct system´s intake. Results. The results obtained show high microbiological contamination in the time of the analysis and an evident increase downstream, until waters arrive to the aqueduct system, and the discharges of not treated waste waters are relevant, including those with fecal coliforms from rural houses and from livestock activities, especially pig and poultry breeding. Besides, the changes in the river´s turbidity influenced, mainly, the total concentrations of coliforms, but were not relevant in the fecal ones. Conclusion. In 2014, the dry season had a bigger microbiological contamination compared to the rainy one, thus being more hazardous for human consumption.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráRío Combeima - Condiciones sanitariasMunicipio de IbaguéContaminación ambientalContaminación del aguaAgua potableAnálisis de la contaminación microbiológica en el río Combeima, municipio de Ibagué (Tolima, Colombia)Analysis of microbiological contamination in the Combeima river, Ibagué (Tolima, Colombia)Análise da contaminação microbiológica no rio Combeima, município de Ibagué (Tolima, Colômbia)Article