Zúñiga Zapata, Ana Cristina2016-02-222016-02-2220132256-3903http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1424The generation of applicable scientific knowledge and the development of transfer methodologies facilitate the improvement of research methods, the internal activities of scientific production and their impacts on the scientific community. The universities choose several ways for transferring knowledge to society and one of them is the generation of spin-offs. Universities from Colombia and Antioquia have begun their studies about this mechanism with research based business formalization. This article aims to provide elements for further research works about the necessary conditions universities will have to create in order to ease this technology transfer mechanism in the communities of interest.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de IngenieríasLas spin-off en el contexto universitario colombiano: consideraciones generalesThe spin-off in Colombian university context: general considerationsO spin-off no contexto universitário colombiano: considerações geraisArticle