Gil Garzón, Miriam JanetSoto, Adriana MaríaUsma Gutiérrez, Jorge IvánGutiérrez Flórez, Omar Darío2013-04-032013-04-0320121909-0455 is a growing interest on emerging contaminants (EC). They are compounds with several origins and chemical natures, and their presence in the environment, or the consequences of such presence, have not been fully noticed, causing environmental problems and health risk. These compounds are spread in the environment and have been detected in water sources, underground waters and even in drinking water. Little is known about these compounds and their presence, impact and treatment. In most of cases they are not regulated compounds and they can be regulated in the future depending on the research currently being made about their effects on health and on the monitoring data concerning their incidence. They are, therefore, subjects of research interest. This article revises some of the most common emerging contaminants (pesticides, pharmaceutical products, illicit drugs, “lifestyle” compounds, personal cleaning and others), their origins, uses and harmful effects. It also analyzes some potential treatments for their elimination. The use of physical-chemical, biological and advanced treatments, among others, are revised as well, especially the treatments that, were remarked given their elimination of EC. They, combining physical-chemical and biological treatments, were very effective, while, individually, had deficiencies.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráContaminantes emergentesContaminación del aguaEducación ambientalContaminaciónTratamiento de aguasContaminantes emergentes en aguas, efectos y posibles tratamientosEmerging contaminants in waters: effects and possible treatmentsContaminantes emergentes em águas, efeitos e possíveis tratamentosArticle