Zabaleta de Armas, Milena IsabelBrito Carrillo, Luis EnriqueGarzón Castrillón, Manuel Alfonso2020-12-102020-12-102016Revista de Investigación Lasallista - Vol. 13 No. 2 - 20161794-4449 current times, organizations describe information as one of their most important assets. Nevertheless, the knowledge acquired by the people working in them is even more important. Objective.Design a knowledge management system for the IT and technological resources in a university from the Colombian Caribbean. Materials and methods. A quantitative focus using the explaining method was used, for which a diagnosis of the current situation was made in knowledge management terms and then the relationships between the variables studied were presented, with support on the structural equations model (SEM). Results. A knowledge management model was designed, and it was oriented to improve the effectiveness of the IT and technological resources in a university from the Colombian Caribbean, providing tools to make the acquisition, the creation, the storage and the divulgation of knowledge, easier. Conclusions. The main underlying factors in every variable of the model are: for IT, main services and infrastructure; intellectual capital, focused on the structural capital related to the organizational environment and the business processes; organizational learning, highlighting the cultural system, the team learning and the innovation referred to policies to boost creativity in the personnel.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaGestión del conocimientoTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Clima organizacionalModelo de gestión del conocimiento en el área de TIC para una universidad del caribe colombianoKnowledge management system in the it area for a university in the colombian caribbeanModelo de gestão do conhecimento na área de tic para uma universidade do caribe colombianoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces