Velásquez Valderrama, Ángela María2012-05-142012-05-142012-05-141909-0455 technology of supercritical fluids has had a remarkable industrial interest in the last thirty years, due to several factors such as the development of processes with a direct technological impact, more communication, a better knowledge of the technology among industries and their researchers and a tendency to use green technologies. The objective of this work is to provide a view of the technology called green solvents, the supercritical fluids technology.esFluido supercríticoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaTecnología de solventes verdesMétodos de extracciónContaminación ambientalÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráLa tecnología de fluidos supercríticos, un proceso limpio para el sector industrialThe technology of supercritical fluids, a clean process for the industrial sectorA tecnologia de fluidos supercríticos, um processo limpo para o setor industrialArticle