Lopera Cardona, Seneida MaríaChamorro Zárate, Alba LilianaPacheco Barraza, Maryeli de JesúsTamayo Restrepo, Maryi Catalina2017-03-312017-03-312016http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1771Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are two polyunsaturated fatty acids belonging to the group of omega-3 fats. Both are important components of cell membranes and are precursors of many other substances from the body, such as those regulating blood pressure, and inflammatory response. During the formation of the fetus and already in childhood they are paramount because they are an important part of the fat that covers neuronal membranes and myelin, and help the effectiveness of communication between neurons and optimal brain development. This work is aimed at making a scientific review of the structure of these two fatty acids, metabolism, absorption, oxidation and bioavailability in human body, functions, importance and effect of fatty acids as functional foods on the nervous system in infants and young children to show improvement in cognitive functions are as learning, language and intelligence among others, in order to have a clear perspective of their functional characteristics and simultaneously raise the design of a food matrix as a milk derivative, which is aimed at children under 5, that is affordable to the entire population, and allow greater bioavailability and absorption of the bioactive compound.esAcceso abiertoCorporación Universitaria LasallistaEspecialización en Alimentación y NutriciónAlimentación del niñoÁcidos grasosEstudio científico sobre la adición de Omega-3 (DHA/EPA) para el mejoramiento cognitivo de niños menores de cinco (5) añosThesis