Villarreal Fernández, JorgeMuñoz García, GustavoPérez Olivera, HaroldCorredor Gómez, Alba LucíaMartines Morales, Elen AparecidaPorto Solano, Andrés Felipe2018-08-142018-08-142017Revista Lasallista de Investigación Vol. 14 N. 11794-4449 the last two decades of XX century and the first decade of the current one, there has been a reflection around children as scientists. Some authors propose to think the scientific activity as a cognitive activity very similar to what children do in their surrounding world. Within this idea, the development of scientific skills might be assimilated to certain thinking skills, specific of research process. Objective. To show the development of a didactic proposal in the mathematics area for the development of cognitive skills, from research process about the nutritional status of children, taking concepts such as body mass index and height per age. Materials and methods. The work was carried out with sixth grade students in “Felix Henao Botero” educative institution in the city of Medellin, Colombia. The mathematics area was the base to develop this project, which also looked for the student to acquire basic competences of the course in mathematical thinking required for the grade. Results. Basic theoretical approaches in which the project is based, intervention structure made, as well as obtained results before skills that might be developed are presented. Conclusion. The implementation of the proposal allows articulating different mathematical thoughts and the development of research skills in one project, without having to explicitly separate each one of them; this extends the student’s vision about ways that mathematics make part of their daily lives.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaMatemáticasPensamiento matemáticoResolución de problemasHabilidades cognitivasNutrición humanaEl desarrollo de habilidades investigativas a partir de resolución de problemas. Las matemáticas y el estado nutricional de los estudiantesDevelopment of research skills from problem solving. Mathematics and nutritional state of studentsO desenvolvimento de habilidades investigativas a partir de resolução de problemas. As matemáticas e o estado nutricional dos estudantesArticle