Vélez Upegui, Carolina2016-08-262016-08-262014http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1558For RENAULT-Sofasa is very important that their Departments are progressing and innovating their processes, therefore, have a communications tool as it is updated Policies and Procedures Manual Communications means go hand in hand with the changes and progress the Company has had to date. The Communications Department manages update the Manual to make a productive tool avoiding rework. To do ten key points for design and implementation are described, taking into account the guidelines and procedures that will transform it, ie, colors and corporate language, typography, images and information that is documented. The manual not Put Stone publication without the approval of the Communications Department Manager for their respective printing and dissemination.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaComunicación y PeriodismoComunicación - ManualesComunicación organizacionalSociedad de Fabricación de Automoviles S.A.Actualización del manual de políticas y procedimientos de Comunicaciones de RENAULT-SofasaThesis