García Llorente, Héctor Javier2015-09-072015-09-072015-09-071794-4449 boom of information and communication technologies currently happening is having direct repercussions on society, in such a way that this society is now known as information and communication society. In this article, the information and communication society´s concept is delimitated, and so are the concepts of literacy and information competencies. To do so, a compilation of articles, documents, briefs and research works was made, in order to analyze them and determine the current situation of information literacy in the educative system.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaTecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC)Alfabetización informacionalCompetencias informacionalesSociedad de la informaciónMultialfabetización en la sociedad del conocimiento: competencias informacionales en el sistema educativoMultiliteracy in knowledge society: Information competencies in the educative systemMulti-alfabetização na sociedade do conhecimento: concorrências informacionais no sistema educativoArticle