Saucedo Martínez, Blanca CelesteMárquez Benavides, LilianaSantoyo Pizano, GustavoSánchez Yáñez, Juan Manuel2021-09-302021-09-302021Producción + Limpia; Julio-Diciembre de –Vol. 16 No.1.1909-0455 pollution by hydrocarbons (HYCOS) is one of the serious environmental problems. When HYCOS contaminate the soil, they affect the carbon: nitrogen ratio, causing inhibition of microbial life and loss of fertility. An alternative is bioremediation, but the low solubility and absorption of HYCOS in the soil makes it difficult to eliminate. Therefore, at the beginning of the bioremediation, biostimulation with a detergent (DEGE) or biodetergent (BIODET) is necessary to solubilize the HYCOS. However, some research indicates that the detergents acts directly in the extraction of the HYCOS, the evidence indicates that the DEGE and BIODET only allows the desorption of the HYCOS to solubilize them, by the formation of mice. Other bioremediation works assure that the type of DEG and BIODET that it uses solubilizes all the HYCOS of the contaminating mixtures, but according to the composition of the detergent, it cannot emussify the entire range of HYCOS. Other investigations affirm the synthesis “in situ” of BIODET by microorganisms inoculated in the bioaugmentation of soil impacted by HYCOS, without demonstrating it experimentally. The objective of this review is to analyze in the bioremediation of the soil contaminated by HYCOS, the importance of DEGE, BIODET and the inconsistencies generated by their application.esAcceso abiertoUnilasallista Corporación UniversitariaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráDetergentes y Biodetergentes en la Biorremediación de Suelo: Inconsistencias y Evidenciasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAcces