Solórzano Hernández, Gabriel Alexander2015-03-202015-03-2020141909-0455 article is about the well-known and old discussion about the distinction between the te-chnical and the theoretical knowledge and the contemporary techno-scientific output. It also examines how the invention of microscopy and the Drexler´s theory eased the birth and the development of nanotechnology, and insists on the necessity of ethically reflect about nanote-chnology from the nanoethics. The article states how nanoethics in immersed in the scientific and academic languages, but lacks an essence that identifies it as a way of applied ethics. Five possible meanings of nanoethics, as the term is currently understood, are described. The con clusion remarks the importance of bioethics and general ethics concerning life as zoé and bios, from the organic life and the social life´s viewpoints.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráNanotecnologíaInvestigaciónBioéticaLa nanoética ¿un saber bioético?Nanoethics: a bioethical knowledge?A Nanoética Um Saber Bioético?Article