Echavarría Restrepo, Juliana2013-04-022013-04-0220121909-0455 Vegetable oil is a waste that is not being adequately managed nowadays, and this brings harmful consequences for the environment and for human health. The sustainable development, on the other hand, aims to protect natural resources for the benefit of the current and future generations. This article shows the relationship between the principle of the sustainable development and the vegetable oil according to the Colombian juridical order. Objective. Explore the structure currently in force in Colombia to manage the vegetable oils under the principle of sustainable development, develop this principle according to the Constitution and to the Constitutional Court as keeper of the first to, finally, determine if wether or not there are regulations or public policies related to the use of vegetable oil under the principle of sustainable development. Methodology. A search for legislative initiatives or jurisprudence at a national level was performed, looking for laws related to the management of vegetable oil. Besides, national and international regulations about environmental and sustainable development protection were revised. Results. There is a group of regulations, nationally and internationally, concerning the importance of sustainable development in abstract, but, locally, there is a lack of application of the principle to adequately manage the used vegetable oil. Conclusion. In Colombia there are no regulations that aim to guarantee an adequate management of used vegetable oil and its specific potential as a raw material to produce biofuel and thus contribute to keep the alimentary security of the country out of jeopardy.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráDesarrollo sostenibleAceite vegetal usadoResiduos orgánicosAceite vegetal usado - NormativaEl desarrollo sostenible y el reciclaje del aceite usado de cocina a la luz de la jurisprudencia y el ordenamiento jurídico colombianoSustainable development and recycling of used cooking oil under the Colombian jurisprudence and juridical orderO desenvolvimento sustentável e o reciclagem do óleo usado de cozinha à luz da jurisprudência e o ordenamento jurídico colombianoArticle