Zúñiga Rodríguez, Wilfrido2018-08-092018-08-092017Revista EN–Clave Social Vol. 6 N. 22256-3911http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1982The fundamental problem addressed by the present text is expressed as follows: What is the contribution that the human word makes from the questions that come from the discourse of the atheist regarding the self-understanding of man as a being that is torn between faith and reason? Thus formulated, it requires the articulation of the themes: The word as origin, the articulation between word and nature, nostalgia for the Absolute and the emptiness in creation, from different works and voices of authors that appear and configure the objective to fulfill: To show the criteria that support the questioning of faith in a God accepted and paradoxically rejected by both religions and atheism.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y EducaciónAteísmoFe y razónPalabra (Teología)CreaciónLa Palabra como paradoja en el discurso de la afirmación y negación de DiosA palavra como paradoxo no discurso da afirmação e negação de DeusThe Word as a paradox in the discourse of the acceptance and rejection of GodArticle