Garcés Giraldo, Luís Fernando2015-03-112015-03-112015-03-111909-0455 and scientific discussions are required to provide elements in order to build the foundations for a bioethical model applicable to experiments with animals, taking as a base the analysis of the existing models and aiming to help the scientists who use animals in science to improve the adequate acts, which must be right and valid, thus having a good practice of their profession and the necessary wilingness to deliberate about the right things. This reflection introduces the pros and cons of basing this model on the ontological personalism and on the Aristotelian virtues. This bioethical model is proposed as a guide that requires virtue and human kindness to correctly use the practical reason and, consequently, the perfection of the actions performed by scientists experimenting with animals.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráBioéticaBioética en la investigaciónInvestigación en animalesEn la búsqueda de un modelo bioético para la experimentación con animales: elementos para su fundamentaciónDesign and evaluation of a composting system as an alternative to treat the waste of construction additivesDesenho e avaliação de um sistema de compostagem como alternativa de tratamento de resíduos de aditivos para a construçãoArticle