Gil Garzón, Maritza AndreaGarcés Giraldo, Luís FernandoRestrepo Duque, Ana María2012-04-122012-04-1220101794-4449 In the educative sector, auto evaluation should be a permanent practice to make possible a critical look at the way institutions and programs assume the development o all of their processes, in such a way that the quality of their services is assured. If the auto evaluation is made in order to get an accreditation, the steps given by the Colombian Consejo Nacional de Acreditación –CAN must be followed. Objective. To show the process and the results of the auto evaluation with accreditation purposes made at the Food Engineering program from Corporación Universitaria Lasallista. Methodology. The work lines, processes and instruments for the auto evaluation of the program were created, based on the procedures given by CNA. Analysis of the results. According to the auto evaluation, the program had a favorable grade for every factor evaluated. One of the most relevant was the position and the performance of the alumni, and so were the institutional infrastructure and the administrative organization that makes the work possible in our region. Conclusions. The Food Engineering program received a 6 years high quality accreditation, according to the 9086 resolution produced on November 23 rd , 2009, by the Colombian Education Ministry.esAcreditaciónCorporación Universitaria LasallistaIngeniería de AlimentosAutoevaluaciónEducación superiorEducación superior - AcreditaciónEducación superior - AutoevaluaciónEducación superior - AutorregulaciónLa acreditación del programa de Ingeniería de Alimentos de la Corporación Universitaria Lasall ista: una muestra del compromiso con la formación de profesionales idóneos y un aporte al desarrollo del paísCorporación Uiversitaria Lasallista´s Food Engineering program accreditation: A commitment to educate ideal professionals and a contribution to Colombia´s developmentO credenciamento do programa de Engenharia de Alimentos da Corporação Universitária Lasallista: uma mostra do compromisso com a formação de profissionais idôneos e um aporte ao desenvolvimento do PaísArticle