Gallego Gómez, Juan Carlos2012-07-062012-07-0620091794-4449 essay is an approach to the revolutionary life This essay is an approach to the revolutionary life and innovative ideas of Charles Darwin. The purpose is to celebrate 200 years of his birth and 150 of the publication of his "Origin of Species". We focus on the Darwin's revolution from its conceptual, philosophical, scientific and cultural points of view. In the genesis of this revolution, we remark the value of scientific observation, which always carries a theoretical load, and so the almost 30 years invested by Darwin in his deep study of field notes, the reflection on his data, their comparison with those from other authors and the wide network of strategic alliances established. All of these qualities are more valuable than the best equipments or the most sophisticated laboratories used in research aiming to answer the essential questions of science, as "the mystery of mysteries". Finally, we mention the impacts on the current society and on research in several fields, emphasizing the good uses and abuses of the evolutional theory. We take as examples the evolutional medicine and the evolutional psychology.esObservación científicaCorporación Universitaria LasallistaCharles DarwinCienciaDarwinismoRevolución cinetificaMétodo científico¿Darwin: observador, hereje o revolucionario?Darwin: observador, herege ou revolucionário?Darwin: Observer, heretic or revolutionary?Article