Restrepo Gallego, Mauricio2012-04-272012-04-2720061909-0455 industry, with its diverse segments, generates a lot of waste and has a big consumption of water. The principles of cleaner production have many applications in food industries. In fact, these principles are needed to ensure quality and productivity. In this article a description of the environmental effects of that industry is presented, then some strategies for development of cleaner production programs are exposed and, finally, there are two successful examples that show specific ways to achieve effective results.esIndustria alimenticiaResiduos industrialesProducción más limpiaContaminación ambientalDesechos industrialesCorporación Universitaria LasallistaÁrea Metropolitana del Valle de AburráProducción más Limpia en la Industria AlimentariaCleaner Production in Food IndustryArticle