Jaramillo Morales, CamiloZapata Marín, JhonatanAgudelo Agudelo, Pablo ArturoSánchez Piedrahita, LauraGarcía Osorio, AlejandroAguilar Pérez, Luis Carlos2015-09-032015-09-032015-09-032256-3342http://hdl.handle.net/10567/1371The nutritional hyperparathyroidism in horses is a metabolic disease associated with a deficiency of dietary calcium and an alteration in the calcium / phosphorus ratio. The current management habits can bring a predispostion to the disease. The most common clinical manifestation is the enlargement and deformation of the facial bones, also including other problems such as lameness (intense, intermittent and changing), torn ligaments or tendons and epiphyseal microfractures. All of these clinical signs occur as a result of an initial hypocalcemia that leads to the activation of the parathyroid hormone, which extracts calcium from the tissue in order to get a normocalcemia. Early diagnosis and proper treatment helps patients recover. The aim of this study was to describe the cases of three “Caballo criollo colombiano” (CCC) mares with nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, diagnosed by obtaining fractional excretion of phosphorus > 0.5%, and the clinical symptoms oberved.esCorporación Universitaria LasallistaFacultad de Ciencias Administrativas y AgropecuariasHiperparatiroidismoCaballo Criollo ColombianoCaballos - EnfermedadesCaballos - Enfermedades - TratamientoCaballos - Enfermedades - DiagnósticoHiperparatiroidismo nutricional de origen secundario en 3 yeguas de raza Criollo Colombiano en AntioquiaNutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism in 3 Colombian Creole mares in Antioquia: Case ReportHiperparatireoidismo nutricional secundário em 3 éguas de raça cavalo Criollo Colombiano em Antioquia : Relato de CasoArticle